
Over 800,000 People
Are Employed in the
Energy Sector in Canada

Our lives depend on producing and having access to energy. So jobs in this sector—those that make energy and how we use it more efficient, less costly and less damaging—are expected to have strong demand numbers and good compensation for many years to come.

In 2019, there were over 800,000 people employed in the energy sector in Canada. Many of these were found in the oil and gas sector, focused strongly in Alberta. But the overall demand for energy professionals is so strong in Canada, that over 50 percent of energy employers report vacancies and almost as many say they plan to hire additional staff.

Just a few years ago, Canada’s clean energy sector employed 298,000 people. Another instance of strong, positive growth, our green technology and the energy it produces is growing in value by almost five percent every year—a third faster than Canada’s economy as a whole (3.6 percent).

Nuclear energy, especially in Ontario, is necessary to reduce carbon emissions and still meet the province’s energy needs. This field, like mining and other heavy industries, has a strong demand for energy professionals, environmental scientists, health and safety specialists and engineers of all kinds.

This need may grow as technology continues to evolve and small modular reactors (now being actively developed) are added to the mix. Of course, there will be ongoing requirements for professionals and technologists to maintain and rehabilitate the electricity transmission system and both nuclear and hydroelectric generating facilities, keeping them safe, operational and economically viable.